Wednesday 8 August 2012


Imagine a world , a world with no religion category in application-forms
A world where no one cared if there was a God
Where turbans and burqa were not banned
Where no one treated you with suspicion if you were a Hussain.

Imagine a world, without borders.
Without developed and the forever-developing countries.
Without invasions under false pretences.
Where cities were not destroyed because of wars-on-terrorism
Where life was not full of severed body parts.

 Imagine a world where no one need be scared to walk alone at night,
Where no one needs to be groped by strangers while bystanders look on
Where no one needs to be killed for a night’s dinner
Where there is as much trust in the police as there should be in the government.

Imagine a world where men and women are equal, till the grassroots
Where eyes don’t wander to your assets and hands don’t move to wrong places
Where women are not objectified to be placed on a mantle.
Where dressing well was not a legal certificate for harassment.

Imagine a world with only love, pure unadultered love
A world where friends don’t fade into aquaintances.
And parents are not dusted and thrown in old-age homes
Where everything was not only about yourself.

Imagine a world where the gun lobby was not as strong
And unstable college students didn’t go on shooting rampages.
Where alcohol sales were not the chief source of income to states
And suicides weren't the only way out of problems.

A world we never had.